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Finite State Machine

Finite State Machine are special types of Object Type that represent a state machine. The state machine is defined by a set of states and transitions between those states. The state machine is a subtype of the FiniteStateMachineType.

- browseName: ProductionStateMachineType
description: a long description
- name: State1
value: 0
description: state 1
- name: State2
value: 1
description: state 2
- from: State1
to: State2
value: 100
- from: State2
to: State1
value: 200

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../../schemas/nodeset2.schema.json

- browseName: ProductionPartTransitionEventType

- browseName: ProductionStateMachineType
description: |
The ProductionStateMachineType shows the states an element in production can be in and the
possible transitions between those states.
subtypeOf: ua:FiniteStateMachineType
- browseName: ua:CurrentState
typeDefinition: ua:FiniteStateVariableType
dataType: ua:LocalizedText
# modellingRule: Mandatory
- browseName: ua:LastTransition
typeDefinition: ua:FiniteStateTransitionVariableType
modellingRule: Optionnal
- name: Initializing
value: 0
description: |

**Initializing** is the state in which the element in production is being prepared. During this state, the
machine doesn’t have to be ready for production, although it has to be as soon as the transition
**InitializingToRunning** is used. The production is not yet started.
- name: Running
value: 1
description: |

**Running** indicates that the operation of or on an element in production has been started or re-started
and is currently running
- name: Ended
value: 2
description: |

**Ended** is reached when the production on the part has finished. The PartQuality may be changed while
in this state, implying that the part is measured after the production process. The part does not have
to be mounted inside the machine while in this state.
- name: Interrupted
value: 3
description: |

**Interrupted** indicates that the execution of or on the element in production has been reversibly halted.
This is usually due to an error or an intervention by the operating personnel. It is possible to restart
operation of or on the element in production after it was in the interrupted state.
- name: Aborted
value: 4
description: |

The state Aborted indicates that the operation of or on an element in production has been irreversibly
stopped before finishing.
- from: Aborted
to: Initializing
value: 8
description: |

AbortedToInitializing is triggered if the operation of or on an element in production is being re-initialized
after an abort
- from: Ended
to: Initializing
value: 2
description: |

EndedToInitializing is triggered when re-initialization of the operation of or on an element in production starts.
- from: Initializing
to: Aborted
value: 9
description: |

InitializingToAborted is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production is aborted while
in the Initializing state.
- from: Initializing
to: Running
value: 0
description: |

InitializingToRunning is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production starts.
- from: Interrupted
to: Aborted
value: 7
description: |

InterruptedToAborted is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production is aborted
while in the Interrupted state.
- from: Interrupted
to: Running
value: 5
description: |

InterruptedToRunning is triggered when an interruption ends and the operation of or on an element in
production continues running.
- from: Running
to: Aborted
value: 6
description: |

RunningToAborted is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production is aborted while
in the Running state.
- from: Running
to: Ended
value: 1
description: |

RunningToEnded is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production finishes
- from: Running
to: Interrupted
value: 4
description: |

RunningToInterrupted is triggered when the operation of or on an element in production is interrupted.
- from: Running
to: Running
value: 3
description: |

RunningToRunning is triggered when another consecutive run of the operation of or on an element i
production in direct succession starts.



It is possible to expose optionals elements defined in the FiniteStateMachineType and turns them into mandatory properties in your State machine by using the promotedToMandatory property

As a reminder, the following properties are available in the FiniteStateMachineType. The optional properties can be promoted to mandatory properties in your state machine type.

CurrentStateThe current state of the state machineMandatory
CurrentState.IdThe id of the current stateMandatory
CurrentState.NameThe name of the current stateOptional
CurrentState.NumberThe number of the current stateOptional
CurrentState.EffectiveDisplayNameThe effective display name of the current stateOptional
LastTransitionThe last transition of the state machineOptional
LastTransition.IdThe id of the last transitionMandatory
LastTransition.NameThe name of the last transitionOptional
LastTransition.NumberThe number of the last transitionOptional
LastTransition.TransitionTimeThe time of the last transitionOptional
LastTransition.EffectiveTransitionTimeThe effective time of the last transitionOptional
AvailableStatesThe available states of the state machineOptional
AvailableTransitionsThe available transitions of the state machineOptional

For instance if you want to enfore the CurrentState.Name to be mandatory and LastTransition.Id and LastTransition.TransitionTime to be made M̀andatory in your state machine type you can use the following definition:

- browseName: CustomStateMachineType
subtypeOf: ua:FiniteStateMachineType
- CurrentState.Name
- LastTransition.Id
- LastTransition.TransitionTime

When your state machine will be instantiated, the CurrentState.Name, LastTransition.Id and LastTransition.TransitionTime will be automatically installed as properties of your state machine.

Alternative example

You can also decide to promite optional state machine properties to mandatory during the instantiation of your state machine when you are defining a type that expose a State machine instance, by using the promotedToOptional property.

version: 0.0.1
publicationDate: "2024-05-24T09:27:00Z"
- di
- browseName: MyComponentType
subtypeOf: di:ComponentType
description: |
A test component
- browseName: TheStateMachine
typeDefinition: CustomStateMachineType
- CurrentState.EffectiveDisplayName
- CurrentState.Name
- LastTransition
- LastTransition.EffectiveTransitionType
description: |
The state of Componentœ
- browseName: CustomStateMachineType
subtypeOf: ua:FiniteStateMachineType
- AvailableStates
- AvailableTransitions
- name: Idle
value: 0
description: Idle state, initial state of Plc
- name: Ready
value: 200
description: Ready ! Go !
- from: Idle
to: Ready
description: Go Johny Go
- from: Ready
to: Idle
description: Let's have a rest now
- browseName: MyComponent
typeDefinition: MyComponentType
organizedBy: /ua:Objects

description: |
The plc