📄️ Main Structure
Sterfive OPCUA Modeler relies on the YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format for describing OPC UA Models.
📄️ Header
The YAML template contains three mandatory fields namespaceUri version and
📄️ s30_namespaces
You can either specify common companion specifications in the namespaces array by specifying the namespace alias, which makes it easy and compact.
📄️ DataTypes
The dataTypes section allows to define new types for OPCUA Variables.
📄️ Defining Extension Object
In the Sterfive OPCUA Modeler, extension objects are custom data structures that represent complex types. You can define an extension object data type in the YAML file under the dataTypes section.
📄️ ObjectTypes
📄️ Methods
Defining Object Methods in the Sterfive OPCUA Modeler YAML File
📄️ VariableTypes
Defining Variable Type
📄️ Finite State Machine
Finite State Machine are special types of Object Type that represent a state machine. The state machine is defined by a set of states and transitions between those states. The state machine is a subtype of the FiniteStateMachineType.
📄️ Interfaces
Defining an Interface
📄️ AddIns
📄️ Creating enriched documentation
It is possible to enrich the model with relevant documentation, which will be used to produce the documentation associated with your model in the md file generated by opcua-modeler.