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Installation in Vscode

It is possible to run the modeler in Vscode and to set up a dynamic visualization of the model For that:

  • install the VSCode YAML extension from redhat
  • install the extension VSCode Markdown Preview Github Styling

The YAML extension will allow VSCode to guide you in writing the YAML file file by proposing you the intelliSense development helpers based on the schema which defines the syntax of the NodeSET2.yaml file.

You will need to add a yaml-language-server: $schema= tag in the header of your NodeSET2.yaml file followed by the path to the nodeset2.schema.json schema.

You can either use the public version of the schema available at, as below:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

or point to a local copy of the same file by specifying the path relative to the location of your YAML file.

For example:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../schemas/nodeset2.schema.json