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How it works

The information contained in the YAML model will generate 3 documents:

  • the nodeSet2.xml, which can be used by all OPCUA compatible Stacks like Open62541, .NET UAAutomationSDK etc..
  • a markdown file that exposes the associated documentation with the OPCUA diagrams of the Types.
  • a CSV file containing the numerical IDs of the generated nodeid.

the .CSV symbol file

The symbol file is also used as input to the generator to ensure the stability of the NodeIDs.

generating the NodeSET2.xml

$ opcua-modeler generate -i demo/demo.yaml 

mode watch

It is possible to let the command constantly update the generated files when the input file is modified, by adding the --watch or -w option.

$ opcua-modeler generate -i demo/demo.yaml --watch